dear livejournal, are you shy or outgoing? are you introverted or extroverted? a shy extrovert? an outgoing introvert? i thought i knew what i was, but i guess it's totally situational. large events with lots of people make me anxious, but if i'm organizing it, or have some sort of meaningful role, that totally changes my energy level. i love attention. hand me a microphone and i become a monster. i've had a preference for plans and schedules but maybe i can go with the flow? just need to make sure i take breaks and recharge. it's cool to learn new things about yourself. drink water.

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(intro by omar)
NADINE "Pews" oh my
Chris Cohen "Song They Play" Chris Cohen
Rosie Tucker "Beautiful Machine" Lowlight
Blessed "Thought" Salt
Cry Babe "Soft Honk" Be Cool
Potty Mouth "Liar" SNAFU
Casey Chisholm "Slow Down" Try Not to Quit
Bellows "Judgment" The Rose Gardener
Neato fleets "kingsland" gorgonhead
Camp Counselor "black crayon" scabs
Dan Francia "Stereotype" Come Back To Life
Zack Benlan "Jenny is a Genie" Jackaroo in the Slew
Toyota "Atomic " Toyota
Very Crush "Very Possibility" Sleeping Seventeen
Strange Passage "No End in Sight" Shouldn't Be Too Long
Preening "Everything Is A T-Shirt" Gang Laughter
Yeesh "Well Adjusted" Confirmation Bias